Wednesday, July 08, 2009

White Castle, Putt-Putt and PIZZA!!

Wednesday afternoon found us hunting high and low for pants for the boys!! Chicago got a bit of a cold front, and it was chilly!! We finally found some (pajama pants!!) and off we went. Our first stop was White Castle...oh yes, sliders!! The boys loved it, and even to this day are talking about "Oh, those sliders just hit me again!" Too funny! After that, we were off to play mini golf. Such fun. Ethan got the first hole in one...he was so proud!! Josh got one too, and Micah made on on the very last hole. CLayton ended up being the winner so it was good all around! :D We wrapped up golf and headed to a famous Chicago pizza place called Giordanos. Big fat huge pizza! Yummy!! Great way to end a fantastic day!

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