Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blue and Gold Banquet

The other night we had Ethans final Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts! I can't belive he's about to be done with it...and move on to Boy Scouts. Next weekend is his formal graduation ceremony. At this banquet, they did all the regular stuff, and at the end, had a magician perfom. It was pretty cool...he was funny too! For his final trick, he called for a volunteer...and picked Ethan ;D. He brought him up on stage and pretended like he was going to chop off his was too funny..E was pretty can see in that one pic him covering his eyes! At one point, the magician asked if Ethan trusted him, and Ethan very loudly said "NO!!" Hysterical! Of course, he came out of the trick just fine, but the kids were amazed that his hand was still attached ;D. Great times.

1 comment:

Our Three Peas said...

Ethan is ALSO getting way to big. Ben and I talked about driving down to Tulsa after Betsy's shower but I think it will be way to much driving in the car for Aiden. Take lots of pictures! Talk to you later...Love ya!