Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Meet the Teacher

Last night we went to school to meet the boys' teachers!! What exciting stuff! Clay has a teacher whose name I can hardly pronounce, so I think she'll end up being Ms. C, but he liked her. He was relieved to finally see where he'll be spending his days, so hopefully we're on the right track. As we got into the truck, he informed me that he would not miss me, so I suppose that is good!! (But like a knife in my heart!!!) Then we headed over to see Ethans team of teachers in the new building. He was pretty excited about having 2 classrooms and switching classes and all that fun stuff. They also had "locker size" cubbies, so that was awesome too. The other big news of the evening was that he found out that they serve WAY cooler food in the cafeteria there than in the old school!! :D So now everyone is excited and ready to go back, except of course Micah who will be lonely...because, as he informed me, I'm a girl and it's not the same playing with Mommy as it is playing with his brothers!! But we'll all adjust, it'll just take a few weeks, I'm sure! Keep checking back for more blogs!! Love to you all...

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