Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh Heavens......

Look closely and you'll see the new haircut the boys tried to give themselves!!! This morning I was talking to Micah and realized, HOLY COW!!! He'd tried to cut his hair!! I was trying not to giggle, lectruring about how it's not safe to have sissors by your eyes, etc...but it was too funny!! Clay came in and I was telling him to look at what Micah did, and then realized, OMG!!! He did it TOOO!!!!! At that point I was beyond trying to keep my composure. Both Josh and I were laughing pretty hard. Seriously, what else are you going to do??? Once Micah realized that we'd have to cut his hair, he was not so thrilled with his little adventure. Josh gave them buzz cuts tonight, and we stayed as long as we could, but it had to go pretty short. Too, too funny....
(By the way, for those of you thinking I'm a horrible parent for having sissors accessible to my children, they did it with thier safety sissors!!! Can you imagine the SAWING they had to do??? Oh, and they did get a serious lecture about sissors near eyes, and their ones taken away for right now. :D )


Anonymous said...

Hi Micah and Clay! I just want you to know that I think your new haircuts look GREAT! I need a haircut soon... Will you come to Chicago and cut my hair?? I love you!!!!!!

Aunt B

Unknown said...

I love it! I'm sure that will happen to me someday! I think their haircuts are cute. Have fun!

Our Three Peas said...

Hilarious! I KNOW this is something Aiden will do =) He already got a hold of some scissors and cut up a NEW shirt...Oh boys =)