Friday, June 22, 2007

***Punk Rock Mama!!***

#1....Here's my new "punk" hair (as Uncle Clint would say) for those of you who never get to see me before the red fades out :D

#2....If you visit Tulsa, stay off the sidewalk, they gave me my keys back!! Thats right, I'm driving again!!!! Seriously, thank you to all of you who have kept our family, and especially me, in your prayers through this very stressful time in our lives. We have felt it, and seen your actions, and can never be grateful enough for all of you.

#3....We signed papers on the rental house toady, so it is SOLD! WHOOO-FREAKIN-HOOOOO!!!!!! That is a big PTL( thank you Grandmother ;) ) A good week, by all accounts.

Love you all so much!! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Looks great on you.