Friday, August 11, 2006


Hello everyone! As you can probally tell, I am new to this blogging stuff, but I have been prompted to set up a page for our family. I figured I'd give it a go, and see what we come up with! :) So, I will attempt to post updates about our life, and pictures at least once a week. Hope you all enjoy getting to see our family!



Old Woman said...

What a wonderful family! I'm so proud and thrilled to call you my family!

WOW! You did good, girl!


Betsy Davis said...

That is one HOTT family... especially the Mama... I think I want her to dress like me and do her hair like me... The bald guys is pretty cool too- I bet he's real good at grilling chicken... and those boys..... well, who wouldn't fall in love with them?!?!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I am so excited you have joined the family of blogging. How cool is it?!?! Now I can see your boys grow up!! You look awesome girl!! Do the boys back to school this week?

Landon Whitsitt said...

Wow! that is one hot mama... ewwwwwwwww

that's my sister! gross!